Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Asterisk Number ,Date,Time to Speech Configuration

This is documentation is useful for those who wanted to configure Date,Time,Number to speech in Asterisk .

 Introduction :

In order to configure number to speech in asterisk.We need to edit /etc/asterisk/say.conf file.By default there are number to speech configurations for English,German and Italy..etc languages.If you want to make asterisk to speak your language, we have to do some configurations on this.For example we can say, in say.conf file by default we are able to see the configuration settings for English as [en] and Italy as [it]. Here I attached sample text of say.conf for English.

[digit-base](!) ; base rule for digit strings
_digit:[0-9] => digits/${SAY}
_digit:[-] => letters/dash
_digit:[*] => letters/star
_digit:[@] => letters/at
_digit:[0-9]. => digit:${SAY:0:1}, digit:${SAY:1}

[date-base](!) ; base rules for dates and times
; the 'SAY' variable contains
; these rule map the strftime attributes.
_date:Y:. => num:${SAY:0:4} ; year, 19xx
_date:[Bbh]:. => digits/mon-$[${SAY:4:2}-1] ; month name, 0..11
_date:[Aa]:. => digits/day-${SAY:16:1} ; day of week
_date:[de]:. => num:${SAY:6:2} ; day of month
_date:[H]:. => digits/oh, num:${SAY:8:2}
; hour (oh one, oh two, ..., oh nine, ten, eleven, ..., twenty-three)
_date:[I]:. => num:$[${SAY:8:2} % 12] ; hour 0-12
_date:[M]:. => num:${SAY:10:2} ; minute
; XXX too bad the '?' function does not remove the quotes
; _date:[pP]:. => digits/$[ ${SAY:10:2} > 12 ? "p-m" :: "a-m"] ; am pm
_date:[pP]:. => digits/p-m ; am pm
_date:[S]:. => num:${SAY:13:2} ; seconds
_date:[Ii]:. => num:$[${SAY:8:2} % 12] ; hour 0-12
_date:[k]:. => num:${SAY:8:2} ; hour (one, two. three, ...,twenty three
_date:[m]:. => num:${SAY:4:2} ; month number
_date:[Q]:. => date:dby ;incompleat ; "today", "yesterday" or ABdY
_date:[q]:. => date:dby ;incompleat ; "" (for today), "yesterday", weekday, or ABdY
_date:[R]:. => date:HM${SAY} ; 24 hour time, including minute
_date:[T]:. => date:HMS${SAY} ; 24 hour, minure, seconds
[en-base](!) ; this is a macro you have to find out exact [en] where this
; macro has been included.
_[n]um:0. => num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:X => digits/${SAY}
_[n]um:1X => digits/${SAY}
_[n]um:[2-9]0 => digits/${SAY}
_[n]um:[2-9][1-9] => digits/${SAY:0:1}0, num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:X00 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred
_[n]um:XXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred, num:${SAY:1}

_[n]um:N000 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/thousand

_[n]um:1XXX => digits/thousand,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:NXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/thousand, num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand
_[n]um:XXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand, num:${SAY:2}
_[n]um:XXX000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/thousand
_[n]um:XXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/thousand, num:${SAY:3}

_[n]um:X000000 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/million
_[n]um:XXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/million, num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX000000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/million
_[n]um:XXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/million, num:${SAY:2}
_[n]um:XXX000000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/million
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/million, num:${SAY:3}

_[n]um:X000000000 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/billion
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/billion, num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX000000000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/billion
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/billion, num:${SAY:2}
_[n]um:XXX000000000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/billion
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/billion, num:${SAY:3}

[en](en-base,date-base,digit-base) ;here we have included macros .
_datetime::. => date:AdBY 'digits/at' IMp:${SAY}
_date::. => date:AdBY:${SAY}
_time::. => date:IMp:${SAY}

Above all are implemented using asterisk pattern matching techniques . If you don't know about asterisk pattern matching please have look on .

let us play the number 25,376 using following example .

On Dialplan:

exten = s,1,NoOp(PlayNumber)
exten = s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=en) ; by default it would be English only .
exten = s,n,Playback(num:25376|say);
exten = s,n,hangup


If you are using asterisk-1.6 and above version; then replace ',' with '|' as

When the asterisk executes the playback(num:25376|say); it matches with say.conf for english(en) . As per the above configuration; so the hit should be on

_[n]um:XXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand, num:${SAY:2} line.


  1. X means [0-9] so, [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] (four digit count)
  2. Meaning of ${SAY:0:2} is 0 => Index postion, 2 => Count character to pickup.

We just match this with recursive functionality in programming.

When the flow is on the above line, say variable has 25376. Then it start to execute num:${SAY:0:2} and it goes for pattern
matching with _[n]um:[2-9][1-9] => digits/${SAY:0:1}0, num:${SAY:1} using the number 25( ${SAY:0:2} ).
Now the say variable has 25.

Now we hear twenty(20) using digits/${SAY:0:1}0.Then again it goes for the line
=> _[n]um:X => digits/${SAY} using num:${SAY:1}.Now the say variable has 5. Now we hear five(5).

Right now, we are completed the first part of this line _[n]um:XXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand, num:${SAY:2} . Then asterisk
play thousand( 1000 ).

Now num:${SAY:2} has 376 it skips 25 thousands because it was played.Follow the above steps again for 376 to get three hundred
seventy six.

which are the patterns have _[n]um; you just take it as recursive function.

That's it.We are now familiar with asterisk say.conf.

Number,Date,Time to voice or speech configuration settings for Indian English :

In indian english,there is a change in reading numbers.we used to read this number as 254560 "two lack fifty four thousand five hundred sixty".To achive this; here is the configuration for reading indian english numbers.Replace this in say.conf en-base context.

_[n]um:0. => num:${SAY:1} ;just to skip the preceeding '0';
_[n]um:X => digits/${SAY}
_[n]um:1X => digits/${SAY}
_[n]um:[2-9]0 => digits/${SAY}
_[n]um:[2-9][1-9] => digits/${SAY:0:1}0,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:X00 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred
_[n]um:XXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred,num:${SAY:1}

_[n]um:X000 => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/thousand

_[n]um:XXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, digits/thousand,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand
_[n]um:XXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand,num:${SAY:2}

_[n]um:X00000 => num:${SAY:0:1},digits/lack
_[n]um:XXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:1},digits/lack,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX00000 => num:${SAY:0:2},digits/lack
_[n]um:XXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2},digits/lack,num:${SAY:2}

_[n]um:X0000000 => num:${SAY:0:1},digits/crore
_[n]um:XXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:1},digits/crore,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX0000000 => num:${SAY:0:2},digits/crore
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2},digits/crore,num:${SAY:2}
_[n]um:XXX0000000 => num:${SAY:0:3},digits/crore
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3},digits/crore,num:${SAY:3}
_[n]um:XXXX0000000 => num:${SAY:0:4},digits/crore
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:4},digits/crore,num:${SAY:4}
_[n]um:XXXXX0000000 => num:${SAY:0:5},digits/crore
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:5},digits/crore,num:${SAY:5}
_[n]um:XXXXXX0000000 => num:${SAY:0:6},digits/crore
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:6},digits/crore,num:${SAY:6}
_[n]um:XXXXXXX0000000 => num:${SAY:0:7},digits/crore
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:7},digits/crore,num:${SAY:7}

_datetime::. => date:AdBY 'digits/at' IMp:${SAY}
_date::. => date:AdBY:${SAY}
_time::. => date:IMp:${SAY}


Record "lack,crore" or download from and place
it in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/digits directory before going to apply above settings for india english number system.

Number,Date,Time to voice or speech configuration settings for Arabic :

In Arabic number system quite different from english number system.There is a small changes in reading two digit numbers
such as 11,23,67..99. Remaining methodologies are same as english.

For example,

34 => "orbaha va thalathun" just reverse interpretation in english. Instead of "thirty four", "four thirty" that is it.

1534 => "Alf va hamsa miya va orbha va thalthun"

_[n]um:0. => num:${SAY:1} ;just skip the preceeding '0' 000 results 0 this 0 will hit again
;coz . means it should have some digits on that.
_[n]um:X => digits/${SAY}
_[n]um:1[1-9] => digits/${SAY} ;z 1-9 so 10,20,30 ..90
_[n]um:Z0 => digits/${SAY} ;z 1-9 so 10,20,30 ..90
_[n]um:[2-9][1-9] => digits/${SAY:1},digits/and,digits/${SAY:0:1}0
_[n]um:[1-2]00 => digits/${SAY} ;100,200 voice should be
_[n]um:[3-9]00 => digits/${SAY:0:1},digits/100
_[n]um:[1-2]XX => digits/${SAY:0:1}00,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:[3-9]XX => digits/${SAY:0:1},digits/100,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}

_[n]um:[1-2]000 => digits/${SAY} ;1000,2000 voice should be
_[n]um:[3-9]000 => digits/${SAY:0:1}, digits/1000
_[n]um:[1-2]XXX => digits/${SAY:0:1}000,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:[3-9]XXX => digits/${SAY:0:1},digits/1000,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX000 => num:${SAY:0:2},digits/1000
_[n]um:XXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2},digits/1000,digits/and,num:${SAY:2} ;${say:index:count}
_[n]um:XXX000 => num:${SAY:0:3},digits/1000
_[n]um:XXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3},digits/1000,digits/and,num:${SAY:3}

_[n]um:1000000 => digits/million
_[n]um:X000000 => digits/${SAY:0:1}, digits/million
_[n]um:1XXXXXX => digits/million,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XXXXXXX => digits/${SAY:0:1}, digits/million,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX000000 => num:${SAY:0:2},digits/million
_[n]um:XXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/million,digits/and,num:${SAY:2}
_[n]um:XXX000000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/million
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/million,digits/and,num:${SAY:3}

_[n]um:1000000000 => digits/billion
_[n]um:X000000000 => digits/${SAY:0:1}, digits/billion
_[n]um:1XXXXXXXXX => digits/billion,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXX => digits/${SAY:0:1}, digits/billion,digits/and,num:${SAY:1}
_[n]um:XX000000000 => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/billion
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:2}, digits/billion,digits/and, num:${SAY:2}
_[n]um:XXX000000000 => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/billion
_[n]um:XXXXXXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:3}, digits/billion,digits/and, num:${SAY:3}

_datetime::. => date:AdBY 'digits/at' IMp:${SAY}
_date::. => date:AdBY:${SAY}
_time::. => date:IMp:${SAY}


  1. Above settings will be useful for those who have limited voices rather than 0..99.
  2. You can download arabic voice files from it does not contain 0..99,date and time voice files. Just it has to cover number part for above settings.
How to Workout:

To make it effect in asterisk just run the following command in asterisk console.

*CLI> module reload


*CLI> reload

On Dialplan:

exten => s,1,NoOp(PlayNumber)
exten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=en) ; by default it would be english only .
exten => s,n,Playback(num:25376|say); ; for number
exten => s,n,playback(datetime::201104172030.00-4-102,say) ; for date
exten => s,n,hangup


If you are using asterisk-1.6 and above version; then replace ',' with '|' as playback(num:25376,say)


I don't know whether it is bug or not.For both 1.4 and 1.6; we have to use '|' although it is 1.6.

On 1.8 and above:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Asterisk::AGI;

my $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI,$result;
#for number
$AGI->exec("PLAYBACK num:2415312511,say \"\"\n");
#for date
$AGI->exec("PLAYBACK datetime::201104172030.00-4-102,say \"\"\n"); # for date

On 1.4 and 1.6 :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Asterisk::AGI;

my $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI,$result;
#for number
$AGI->exec("PLAYBACK num:2415312511|say \"\"\n");
# for date
$AGI->exec("PLAYBACK datetime::201104172030.00-4-102|say \"\"\n");

Enjoy with playing asterisk ,

Please comment on this; If you think that anything wrong in above .

Ashik Ali

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ashik Ali,
    Thanks for sharing information about Asterisk .
    this Post was very useful for me to make persian say.conf

    Mohajerani Omid
